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Recent Engagements

Strategy development, realising potential

When you are growing too quickly to set aside time to plan - this is exactly when you need to.


We helped a large African services company to look over the horizon to define its long-term strategic objectives, examine its present organisational structure, and then align critical operational processes. Along the way, we also worked with the leadership team to empower the workforce and drive performance improvement.

Value based selling

Value based selling is often discussed but rarely understood. Moving from a history of cost plus or market pricing sales models to value based selling can present significant obstacles to any organisation.


We have worked with many established companies and start-ups to help them explore their competitive advantages, refine their true value proposition, develop value argumentation and educate sales and marketing teams to monetise the benefits for themselves and their clients.

Pricing strategy

"The single most important decision in evaluating a business' performance is pricing power." Warren Buffett

In today's marketplace, the focus on increased returns has often rested heavily on cost reduction, but leading companies also use pricing excellence as a lever to extract value. 


Pricing is the largest profit lever, but in many organisations it is often seen as unmanageable (market defined) with pricing errors difficult to detect.


We helped a large equipment supplier to understand and develop an effective pricing strategy, supported by processes and training to apply them to achieve superior returns.

Merger and Acquisition support

We have assisted several national and international companies to undertake Due Diligence activities and develop pricing models on potential mergers and acquisitions. We continue to work with some in transition management and integration of the acquired identity into the parent business.

Start-up support

With a strong understanding of the pressures associated with start-ups, we have been able to help several ventures in Australia navigate the pitfalls and bring their technology to market in a timely and sustainable manner.

Asiri Newton - business improvement & visibility

"Eliminate chaos" Scott A. Snooks

Significant change programs often stumble under the weight of the effort required to track inconsistent and fragmented activities across the organisation.


With our simple web-based tool (Asiri Newton) and persistent stakeholder communication, we created a single source of information that provided an unprecedented level of visibility AND helped to significantly improve the bottom line for a large mining services company. 

HRM strategy to support growth

When you are relying on very manual systems and you have limited visibility of your workforce - you know there are significant opportunities to take cost out of the business but they are hard to get after.

We helped to quickly audit current processes, tap into insights from operations staff and deliver a tight, practical way forward with a business case that will deliver a cost reduction of 2-3% of payroll.  

Business system selection and implementation

The selection and implementation of a new business system (e.g. CRM, ERP, HRM) can be make-or-break for any company trying to get its business under control while keeping the foot down on the growth pedal. Engaging independent external help can significantly reduce your risk.


We recently helped a SME safely navigate a top-to-bottom overhaul of processes to manage the costs and risks of doing business, delivering an ERP platform that would help them scale to $100m. 

Leadership development - tailored to your business

Training spend is even more precious in today's market and generic leadership programs can miss the opportunity to address your specific leadership challenges.

We have helped design and deliver bespoke leadership development programs for senior and middle level management with focus on innovation, empowerment and influence - and an underlying thread of understanding and developing yourself as a precursor to authentically leading others.

"Articulating your purpose and finding the courage to live the single most important developmental task you can undertake as a leader." Scott A. Snooks

Culture shift

When you have grown from very technical roots getting your people focused externally on clients and their business can be a challenge.


We helped an SME shift their culture through targeted "soft" skill development in business and sales.  

Virtual strategic planning

Steering a change of direction is often an up-hill battle. When your  team is spread across offices and countries and budget restrictions don't allow you to get face-to-face the hill gets steeper.   

We provided a flexible strategic planning process to help a virtual team collaborate on Vision to Actions.  

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